Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Would you like to try Crystal Therapy?

Hello Everyone
As an introduction to crystal and crystal therapy I am offering a free 25 minute session to those that haven't tried it before at the Upminster Healing & Teaching Sanctuary on the 29th May from 10am onwards. As there are limited places please call and book your appointment at the Sanctuary by calling 01708 251124

The Upminster Complementary Healing and Teaching Sanctuary
Pea Lane
RM14 2XH

For more information on crystal and how they can help please take a look at my website
I look forward to meeting you there :)
with love and light


Thursday, 2 May 2013

Can you help?

Hey you lovely lot, can you help me?
I’m looking for ways to advertise my company, the treatments I give and what I do, so if you feel comfortable doing so, would you please phone a friend or add a comment or two to your facebook account?

All I need you to do is list the benefits you feel after having one of my crystal therapy, EFT, Hopi ear or Reiki sessions.
Can you include my website address
my contact details
Debs Cordery
07989 318790

As thank you for you bringing in new clients I’m offering a free treatment of your choice and for 2 extra or more clients there will be a special surprise gift!
Many thanks
Love and light