Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Free Crystal session :)

Hello my lovelies,
How would you like to try a Crystal Therapy Treatment? I'm aiming to boost awareness of how crystals can help us in our every day life, so I'm offering a FREE 30 minute Crystal Therapy session to the first 10 people that haven't experienced it before.
Please call me on 07989318790 to book your place 
love and light

Saturday, 5 April 2014


Great News..... I've had fantastic feedback from one of my amazing Time Line Therapy clients.
Time Lime Therapy is is truly awesome for clearing out old negative pattens and this is one of the therapies I found to be most beneficial. It has helped me deal with the recent grief of losing my Dad and it cleared out all the old, anger sadness, fear, hurt and guilt that I have gathered through my life time.
For more information please give me a call on 07989 318790 or visit my website http://www.rejuvenatinghands.co.uk/nlp-coaching.htm
Love and light